Getting Started

This page will walk you through getting, installing and using the Radar Detector script.

Acquire the Script

After purchasing the script through the Sonoran store you may download the script through the keymaster account that purchased the script. Upon downloading extract the file to a safe place.

Install Prerequisite

You must use the Sonoran Fork of WK_Wars2x found here.

Minimum version required: v1.3.4-sonoran

If you are using the Sonoran CAD FiveM Integration, DO NOT install a second copy of WK_Wars2x, it is included and updated with the sonorancad resource.

WK_Wars2x Radar script is required for this resource to function fully. Please ensure you are using the Sonoran Fork of WK_Wars2x. This is included with the Sonoran CAD FiveM Integration by default.

You can also download the latest release of the resource here.

Install the Script

  1. Inside the script package you just extracted will be two folders. Copy both to a folder in your server's resources folder called [sonoranscripts] note the [] in the name, without them it will not work.

  2. In the sonoran-radarddetector/config folder there will be a file called config.CHANGEME.lua you should rename that to be config.lua and configure the settings inside as you would like them to be configured based on the configuration documentation below.

QBCore Specific - Please follow Step 3 to ensure inventory items have correct photos!

  1. Drag the radar_detector.png from /sonoran-radardetector/ into the following folder: /resources/[qb]/qb-inventory/html/images

ESX Specific Specific - Please follow Step 4 to ensure inventory items work!

  1. a.) Import the ESX Installme.sql file into your ESX database

    If NOT using ox_inventory continue to step 5

    b.) Add the following code to the /ox_inventory/data/items.lua file

    	['sonoran_radar_detector'] = {
     	label = 'Radar Detector/Jammer',
     	weight = 1,
     	stack = true,
     	close = true,
     	description = nil
  2. Finally, in your server.cfg add the following:

ensure sonoran-radardetector

add_ace resource.sonoran-radardetector command allow
add_ace resource.sonoran-radardetector_helper command allow

NEVER add ensure sonoran-radardetector_helper or ensure [sonoranscripts] to your server.cfg as this will lead to crashing under specific conditions.

Configuring the Script

Default config.lua
Config = {}

Config.debug_mode = false -- Enable debug mode
Config.configuration_version = 1.0
Config.auto_update = true -- Enable auto updates

Config.lang = {
    addNewRadarHelp = 'Open the menu to begin spawning a new radar detector model',
    vehNotCompatible = 'This vehicle is not compatible with the radar detector placement system!',
    vehAlrRadar = 'This vehicle already has a valid radar!',
    noItem = 'You do not have a radar detector in your inventory!',
    radarMenuHeader = 'Radar Detector',
    creditsPanel = 'Made by',
    spawningSubMenu = 'Radar Detector Spawning',
    attachingSubMenu = 'Attaching',
    deletionSubMenu = 'Are you sure?',
    radarRemoteSubMenu = 'Radar Remote Menu',
    radarRemoteMenuButton = "Radar Detector Remote",
    radarAttachMenuButton = 'Attach Radar Detector',
    deleteMenuButton = 'Delete Current Radar Detector',
    spawnMenuButton = 'Spawn Radar Detector',
    deletionConfirmationButton = 'Yes, I want to permanatly delete this radar detector',
    deletionCancelButton = 'No, I want to keep this radar detector',
    deletionCancelled = 'Radar detector deletion cancelled',
    noDetectorFound = 'No Radar Detector is in this vehicle!',
    toggleDetectionMode = 'Toggle Detection Mode',
    detectionModeEnabled = 'Radar Detection Mode ~g~enabled~w~!',
    detectionModeDisabled = 'Radar Detection Mode ~r~disabled~w~!',
    toggleJammingMode = 'Toggle Jamming Mode',
    jammingModeEnabled = 'Radar Jamming ~g~enabled~w~!',
    jammingModeDisabled = 'Radar Jamming ~r~disabled~w~!',
    toggleRadarPower = 'Toggle Radar Detector Power',
    detectorPoweringUp = 'Radar Detector is powering ~g~up~w~!',
    detectorPoweringDown = 'Radar Detector is powering ~r~down~w~!',
    modelComboBox = 'Model:',
    vehAlrRadarNoti = '~r~This vehicle already has a radar detector of this type',
    notInVeh = '~r~You must be in a vehicle!',
    objectName = 'Sonoran Laser/Radar Detector',
    vehicleBone = 'Radar - Vehicle Bone',
    radarNotInInv = '~r~You do not have a radar detector in your inventory!',
    object = "Object:",
    vehicleBoneComboBox = 'Vehicle Bone',
    attachButton = 'Attach',
    detachButton = 'Detach',
    confirmPlacementButton = 'Confirm Placement',
    cannotGoFaster = '~r~You cannot go any faster!',
    cannotGoSlower = '~r~You cannot go any slower!',

Config.commands = {
    radarDetectorMenu = 'detectormenu',
    restricted = false -- should the detector menu be restricted?

Config.permissionMode = "ace" -- Available Options: ace, framework, custom

-- Ace Permissions Section --
Config.acePerms = {
    aceObjectUseMenu = "sonoran.radardetector", -- Select the ace for placing new ATM's and using admin repair

-- Framework Related Settings --
Config.framework = {
    frameworkType = "qb-core", -- This setting controls which framework is in use options are esx or qb-core
    inventoryType = "normal", -- Which inventory you would like to use normal, quasar, ox_inventory (OX Will only work for ESX Legacy as of now)
    civilianJobNames = {"unemployed"}, -- An array of job names that should be allowed to use the radar menu
    useCivilianJobListAsBlacklist = false, -- This will treat the civilian job list as a blacklist rather than a whitelist

-- Configuration For Custom Permissions Handling --
Config.custom = {
    checkPermsServerSide = true, -- If true the permission event will be sent out to the server side resource, this is recommended
    permissionCheck = function(_, type) -- This function will always be called server side.
        if type == 0 then -- Check permission to use the menu
            return true or false -- Return true if they have admin, return false if they don't

Config.general = {
    playRandomSounds = true, -- Should random sounds be played when the radar is powered on?
    randomSounds = {"x_band", "k_band", "ka_band", "laser", "gps_connected"}, -- An array of sounds that should be played randomly when the radar is powered on
    randomSoundInterval = 5, -- How often in minutes should a random sound be played if a radar is on?
    detectDistance = 250.0, -- How far away should the player be able to detect a radar?
    notificationType = "native", -- Available options: native, pNotify, okokNotify

Config.blacklistedCars = {

Configuration Breakdown

Config OptionOption DescriptionDefault ValueType


Enable enhanced logging - typically for diagnosing issues




The version your config file is currently set to. DO NOT EDIT




Enabled auto updates with our Sonoran Updater




Here you will find our easy translations, simply edit if you would like to update the language used in the script




Command to open the radar detector menu




Specifies if the detector menu should be restricted




Permission mode for the radar detector




Select the ace premission allowed to use the radar detector menu




This setting controls which framework is in use options are esx or qb-core




Which inventory you would like to use normal, quasar, ox_inventory (OX Will only work for ESX Legacy as of now)




An array of job names that should be allowed to use the radar menu




This will treat the civilian job list as a blacklist rather than a whitelist




Should random sounds be played when the radar is powered on?




An array of sounds that should be played randomly when the radar is powered on

{"x_band", "k_band", "ka_band", "laser", "gps_connected"}



How often in minutes should a random sound be played if a radar is on?




How far away should the player be able to detect a radar?




Available options: native, pNotify, okokNotify




Vehicles that are not allowed to have a radar detector put in them




Command NameCommand DescriptionRequired Permission


This command will open the radar detector/jammer menu and allow you to configure and spawn your radar detector/jammer

Everyone or as configured


  1. Choose an eligible car: Select a car that is compatible with the radar detector/jammer script.

  2. Use the command /detectormenu: Open the chatbox or console and type /detectormenu to bring up the radar detector menu.

  3. Open the spawning menu: In the radar detector menu, navigate to the "Spawning Menu" option and select it to open the spawning menu.

  4. Spawn the prop: Within the spawning menu, choose the desired prop and spawn it into the game world.

Note: If in framework mode you must have the sonoran_radar_detector object in your inventory to spawn

  1. Navigate to the attaching menu: Use the "Backspace" or the designated key to go back in the menu and access the "Attaching Menu".

  2. Attach the prop: Select the "Attach" option in the attaching menu and use the on-screen controls to move the prop to the desired location on the vehicle.

  3. Confirm placement: Once the prop is positioned correctly, press the "Confirm Placement" button to finalize the attachment.

  4. Access the radar detector remote menu: Use the "Backspace" key or the designated key to go back in the menu and select the "Radar Detector Remote Menu".

  5. Toggle the jammer and detector: Within the radar detector remote menu, adjust the settings to toggle the jammer and detector functionality according to your preferences.

  6. Turn on the power: Enable the power switch in the radar detector remote menu to activate the radar detector/jammer system.

  7. Enjoy the protection from police radars: With the radar detector/jammer active, you will now be protected from police radars while driving your vehicle.

Last updated