Getting Started

This page will walk you through getting and installing the Radar Display script.

Acquire the Script

After purchasing the script through the Sonoran store you may download the script through the keymaster account that purchased the script. Upon downloading extract the file to a safe place.

Install Prerequisite

You must use the Sonoran Fork of WK_Wars2x found here.

Minimum version required: v1.3.3-sonoran

If you are using the Sonoran CAD FiveM Integration, DO NOT install a second copy of WK_Wars2x, it is included and updated with the sonorancad resource.

WK_Wars2x Radar script is required for this resource to function fully. Please ensure you are using the Sonoran Fork of WK_Wars2x. This is included with the Sonoran CAD FiveM Integration by default.

You can also download the latest release of the resource here.

Install the Script

  1. Inside the script package you just extracted will be two folders. Copy both to a folder in your server's resources folder called [sonoranscripts] note the [] in the name, without them it will not work.

  2. In the sonoran-radar/config folder there will be a file called config.CHANGEME.lua you should rename that to be config.lua and configure the settings inside as you would like them to be configured based on the configuration documentation below. In that same folder will also be a file called radars.CHANGEME.json which you should rename to radars.json and use to manually place cameras based on the existing template, note you can also use the menu placement system in game.

  3. Finally, in your server.cfg add the following:

ensure sonoran-radar

add_ace resource.sonoran-radar command allow
add_ace resource.sonoran-radar_helper command allow

Configuring the Script

Default config.lua
Config = {
    debug_mode = true,
    cars = {
        addonCars = {
            ['19tahoec3'] = {
                active = false,
                name = '19tahoec3',
                redneckCar = true
        blacklistedCars = {
        bones = {'chassis'}
    update_speeds = {
        patrol_speed = 100, -- Time in MS between each update for the patrol speed
        target_speed = 250, -- Time in MS between each update for the target speed
        lock_speed = 250 -- Time in MS between each update for the lock speed
    stalker = {
        default_ant = 'front' -- The default antenna to pull data from | Options: 'front' or 'back'
    commands = {
        addNewRadar = 'addnewradar', -- The command to add a new radar
        restricted = true, -- restrict this command - you want this
        allowedToPlace = 'radar.admin' -- Ace group allowed to place the radar
    lang = {
        addNewRadarHelp = 'Open the menu to begin spawning a new radar model',
        notInEmergency = 'You must be in a Emergency vehicle to use this!',
        vehNotCompatible = 'This vehicle is not compatible with the radar placement system!'

Radar Location Config

You have two options for placing new radars:

  1. You can use the command /addnewradar while in a LEO vehicle to initiate spawning a new radar and generate the relevant config data

    • After running this command you will be prompted by a menu that will take you through the spawning process.

    • You may need to modify some of the rotation values manually to get that perfect placement you are looking for.

  2. You can manually copy and paste an existing config and then modify the values to meet your needs for the new camera

radars.json Property Explanation

Property NameExampleNotes



ID must be unique. No other radar can share this ID


This is a table that contains the x, y, and z coords of the radar


This is a table that contains the x, y, and z rotation of the radar



This is the vehicles spawn code



This is the index of the bone you would like to attach the radar to


Command NameCommand DescriptionRequired Permission


This command will initiate the radar spawning and attaching process

Admin or as configured

Default Vehicles

Vehicle SpawncodeAdds Radar by Default










BUGGED(Investigating fix)











Last updated