Speed Cameras / ALPR
Automated system to detect and warn when a vehicle with an active BOLO or a speeding vehicle is spotted.
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Automated system to detect and warn when a vehicle with an active BOLO or a speeding vehicle is spotted.
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Ability to operate standalone
Support for Ace Perms, ESX, QBCore, and custom permissions systems
These are the default names of commands, they may have been modified by the server owner.
/spawnnewcam [prop] [name]
This command will allow an admin to spawn a new camera using a gun placement system where the name argument is the label for the new camera and the prop argument is the text name of the model to use
Admin or as configured
/addplate [plate]
This command will add a plate to the standalone BOLO system when in use.
LEO or as configured
/delplate [plate]
This command will remove a plate from the standalone BOLO system when in use.
LEO or as configured
This command will list the plates currently configured in the standalone BOLO system when in use
LEO or as configured
This command will draw the ID of cameras which you are in the radius of with 3D text near the camera
This command will print the current positional data of the camera to the chat
Admin or as configured
This command will change the value which you specify of the camera you specify, run this command without arguments for example usage. All changes made with this command will be immediately saved
Admin or as configured
This command will completely reload the cameras.json from the server's storage
Admin or as configured
This command will disable the camera with the ID specified as an argument, this will prevent that camera from flagging vehicles
LEO or as configured
This command will enable the camera with the ID specified as an argument, this resume that camera's ability to flag vehicles
LEO or as configured
This command will cancel the current camera placement if one is currently in progress.
The model on the left is named prop_traffic_cam
and the model is named radar01
Camera falls to ground and disables
Bug Fixes
Fix issue of rotation data not being called in the initial spawning of the traffic cameras
Update ESX shared object call in regards to depreciation notice
Add restart handling to prevent crashing
Added support for custom scripts for speed limit display
Fix Ace permission issues
Fix ESX depreciation notice
Fix QBCore Auto Fines
Fix fxmanifest not reading discord.lua
ALPR-only Mode
Configurable Auto Fine System
Integration with an Upcoming Sonoran Release
Bugfixes and Improvements
Fixes a QB-Core bug that was experienced on certain servers and led to physics crashes
Added ability to list BOLO plates with the standalone system
Added the ability to edit and reload cameras in real time for admins
Added the ability to enable and disable specific cameras
Added a development tool to draw the IDs of cameras in the vicinity as 3D text
Bugfixes and Improvements
Added a warning when both standalone and CAD BOLO systems are enabled
Overhauled the BOLO permissions system to allow selecting specific job grades allowed to access it for framework servers, and allowed a separate ace object to be used